Customer Stories
Our customers achieve impressive success with Sunhat.
Our costumer success stories offer practical insights into the successful implementation of our ESG software.
Find out how companies from different industries use Sunhat to efficiently manage their ESG data and automate workflows.

"Collaborating with Sunhat enables us to optimally manage our internal processes and ensure the `reportability and verifiability of our sustainability data`. This forms the basis for facilitating the fulfillment of future reporting requirements."

"Sunhat helps us to `streamline the collection of data` for reporting and multiple ratings, which are crucial for us to maintain credibility and transparency for our sustainability goals.”

"Sunhat streamlines our customer response process, and allows the `information from our subject-matter experts to be added to our knowledge library` to reduce duplicate work."

“We partner with Sunhat to streamline the management of rating and reporting requirements, `enhancing efficiency in project management and data collection`.”

"Sunhat `streamlines our sustainability data processes` while ensuring our ongoing compliance with evolving standards."

"Since sustainability is an important requirement in the life science research industry, we use Sunhat to continuously create `audit-proof documentation` to respond to requests from our customers."

“With the right motivation, the right team and the right solutions, anything is possible! We appreciate the `good communication and quick response time` from Sunhat and Cozero, which has `enabled us to achieve` the success of our sustainability management.”